AMHA Hockey Season Update Feb 9, 2021, News (Arthur Minor Hockey)

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Feb 09, 2021 | Tim Boggs | 1320 views
AMHA Hockey Season Update Feb 9, 2021
Updated information


Feb. 9, 2021

Dear Arthur Minor Hockey Families:

As you may have heard The Township of Wellington North Council, at their
February 8, 2021 meeting, has made the decision to remove the ice immediately
from the Arthur and Mount Forest Arena’s. This will unfortunately end our
hockey season for this year.

The Arthur Minor Hockey Board of Directors will be meeting Wednesday
February 10th to discuss further details regarding the end of the season. We will
be in touch with our families later this week and will be issuing refunds to those
families that have paid for the entire season.

Once again we would like to thank you all for your patience as we traversed
through this challenging season. Wishing you all Good Health and Safety!


Ann Warnaar

and the Arthur Minor Hockey Board of Directors

Arthur Optimist Club
Friend of Youth. Supporting kids in our community.