The Lockdown continues...
January 22, 2021
Dear AMHA Membership,
The Board of Director’s held ZOOM meeting on Wednesday regards the status of our hockey season.
With the Province being in Lock Down with the stay-at-home order, we are still unable to resume with any type of on ice activity. We are following the notices of the Province and the Health Unit and will keep you update as best we can with the information we have.
We have more information in early February with our next update in accordance with guidelines set forth on us.
At this time, we will also be holding off on collecting/processing they second half registration fees and are looking at a pro rated decrease for the second half based on what on ice time we may get.
We will also be sending out a Survey Monkey email that we would each of you to complete the quick survey.
If you have any questions, please contact a Board Member.
Wishing all Good Health and Safety,
Arthur Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors