COVID 19 Update Regarding, News (Arthur Minor Hockey)

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Dec 11, 2020 | Tim Boggs | 1420 views
COVID 19 Update Regarding
Please read

AMH Association Members,

As you may have heard, Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health jurisdiction has been placed into RED Status, these changes will take effect as of Monday December 14, 2020 at 12:01am.  The one especially important change is that Team sports must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmage).

So, going forward until we are told otherwise we will continue to practice on the new schedule and run dri
lls however, there will be no scrimmage, in house game or away games allowed after Dec 13, 2020.

Please remember to use the Screening Questionnaire for COVID before entering the arena. Everyone entering the building needs to use this screening tool.  It is extremely important to go over this each time you come to the arena. Posters are now posted at the arena entrance.

If you are feeling unwell or have been around someone who is unwell please DO NOT come to the arena. Please refer to our return to play document for direction to return to hockey if you have been unwell, or if you have had to test for COVID.

Only One (1) parent/guardian may be in the facility while we are in RED Status. This means no more siblings allowed to be there waiting, we are allowed only 10 Players & Coaching staff on the Ice and only One parent/guardian in stands for those players under the age of 18.

Red Zone Schedule:

Novice:                      6:00 pm - 6:50 pm
Atom 2:                     7:25 pm - 8:25 pm
Bantam:                     8:50 pm - 9:40 pm

Atom 1:                     7:00 pm - 7:50 pm

Midget:                      8:00 pm - 8:50pm

Minor-Novice:          8:40 am - 9:30 am
Preschool:                 10:10 am -11:00 am
IP2:                             11:40 am -12:30pm
IP1:                             1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
Peewee:                    2:40 pm - 3:30pm


***This is subject to change; you will be given notice***


Please contact a Risk Management Committee member if you have any questions or concerns on how we proceed after December 13, 2020, further changes to facility guidelines on the next page.

(Tim Boggs, Ann Warnaar, Jenny Bodz, Jay Bingelman, Kendall Woeschka)

New Guidelines for On Ice and for Spectators:

Ontario Ministry of Health

Exert from

Highlighted pertains to hockey.



Sports and recreational fitness facilities

Capacity limits:

  • Indoors:
    • 10 people total
    • 10 people per class
    • 10 people in areas with weights or exercise equipment
  • Outside: 25 people
  • No spectators, except for one parent or guardian per child *Also see below

Team sports:

  • must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmage)
  • must keep 2 metres physical distance, no contact permitted

Everyone must:

  • always wear a mask or face covering except when exercising
  • stay 3 metres apart in classes or areas with weights or exercise equipment and 2 metres apart everywhere else
  • make reservations (only one required per team)
  • give their name and contact information
  • answer screening questions about COVID-19covid 19 symptoms and exposure before they come in

Time restrictions:

  • 90-minute time limit for classes and working out (does not apply for sports)

Government of Ontario

Exert from:

4.  No spectators are permitted to be in the facility. However, a person under the age of 18 years who is engaged in activities in the facility may be accompanied by one parent or guardian.

5.  Any person who enters or uses the facility must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person who is using the facility.

6.  Team sports must not be practised or played within the facility, with the exception of training sessions for members of a sports team that do not include games or scrimmage games.

Thank you,

Arthur Minor Hockey Board of Directors

Royal Canadian Legion - Arthur Branch
Supporting youth, seniors and others in the community.