Jan 12, 2019 | jmccabe | 1120 views
*** TIME AND DATE CHANGE FOR AMHA MEETING -Would you be willing to come and help out?
The meeting is now being held on Tuesday, January 22 - 8pm for anyone wanting to join our meeting. It is changed from Wednesday, January 23 at 7 pm.
Arthur Minor Hockey Association (AMHA) as we all know, is a volunteer run organization.
The Board of Directors meet once a month during the hockey season while taking June and July off.
Simple put, AMHA needs new people to step forward to volunteer in various positions such as, but not limited too: director at large, fundraiser, scheduler, and webmaster.
Everyone has different skills and life experiences to offer. Yours would be an asset for the association.
Volunteering to make important decisions for the youth in our community is vital. Keeping the youth in hockey is the goal of our association.
We make decisions that we hope will strengthen the experience for the children playing in our Centre.
Your decision to volunteer on the Board is the first step.
Please mark your calender for January 23 at 7, upstairs hall at the arena, and sit in at our next meeting to get a feel for it.
Your attendance would be a great indication of building for the future sucess of our association